Monday, February 28, 2011

Not Enough Money in th World $$$

You could not pay me enough to be a full-time cataloger! 
Thankfully, as a school librarian, this will only be a portion of my job.  I do feel much calmer this month after realizing each step builds on the last and once I find the basic information I only have to format it correctly.  However, the formatting in each step seems to be more and more tedious.  The formatting also switches between the different areas we are studying!  However, this is not a difficult subject.  It simply requires time and attention to detail. 
I’m waiting to get to subjects.  After looking through the catalog record I work with, I realized this is where the most discrepancies lies.  The information we have used so far is pretty straight forward.  I don’t have to decide what the author’s name is going to be, I just have to put in the right place using the right format.  I’m curious if subjects are much the same way, or if I have to decide.  Also, all the information we have used to this point, can be easily found without actually reading the book.  How does one decide subject matter without ever having read the book?
Basically, though I am feeling much better about the class now.  The librarian I work with has enjoyed looking over some of the lecture notes and discussions, as a lot of this information was not covered in her cataloging class!
Kristy Boling
February 28, 2011
240 Words